International Classifiers Conference (ICC) 2015

The German Boards of Self-Regulation for Television, Film, Multimedia and Games – FSF, FSK, FSM and USK – hosted the International Classifiers Conference (ICC) 2015 in Berlin, 1 and 2 October.



Media Regulation from a European Perspective:

Moving from Diversity to Harmonisation in Media Classification


Protection of Minors in a Converged Media Environment

Economic Perspective:
Dr. Tobias Schmid
Association of Commercial Broadcasters and Audiovisual Services (Chairman of the Board) and Mediagroup RTL Deutschland GmbH (Executive Vice President Governmental Affairs)

Perspective of European Media Policy:
Patricia Manson
European Commission DG Connect (Head of Unit Inclusion, Skills & Youth)

Round Table Discussion I

How will the Process of Age Classification be Organized in the Future?
Will there be Age Classification in the Future?

Schemes of International Cooperation

International  Network of Hotlines INHOPE

Rating Tool for User-Generated Videos YOU RATE IT


International Age Rating Coalition IARC

Round Table Discussion II

News from the Countries

From Diversity to Harmonisation?

European Trends in Protection of Minors in the Media and Schemes of International Cooperation
Stephan Dreyer 
Hans-Bredow-Institut (Senior Researcher)

International Classifiers Conference 2015: Participants

Kindly supported by LPR Hessen and Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland.